cramps in pregnant mother

Diposting oleh oti | Jumat, Juni 12, 2009

although still to belong to normal matter, but best don't be silneced up to can evoke ill continuous.


follow dr. goddess prabarini spog from brawijaya women and children hospital, cramps usually happen to enter trimester third caused by heavy body that increase so that happen liquid heaping at body likes swollen foot and hand is cramps. besides, cramps in also can happen because disturbance asupan oxygen that make blood stream becoming not fluent, causing ill taste at stomach.

well, to overcome it to try to decrease food that contain tall salt. try also warm up area cramps with warm water while dabs cream warmer. cramps in also can be prevented with eat food that contain calcium and vitamin b.
important to remember, although this cramps phenomenon is usually happens in trimester third, doesn't mean at time trimester first and second not susceptible cramps in at  stomach. exactly when does stomach cramps often at pregnancy age less 20 weeks, indicate disturbance existence in fetus. don't hush and soon this matter consultation is to your obstetrician.

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